Tuesday 2 November 2010

From Brutal Death to 'Fair' Death..

How can this even be possible? We are in the year 2010 and still in some countries there is death penalty. No man can play God and doom another and force him to death; only God decides that. Yet, in some countries the authorities deem to enforce the medieval customs.

In Iran a woman named Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, mother of two children, has been found guilty for murdering her husband (which she did not commit) and adultery (with her cousin; but she did not admit). The actual murder was performed by her cousin, but even if she had murdered her husband, every human being has the fundamental right to life according common sense and the Convention on Human Rights. Since she was an accomplice to the murder, a more logical sentence would by life-imprisonment.

Iranian authorities announced that Ashtiani would be executed by the savage and brutal method of stoning, public stoning, but with the help and interference of the UK authorities, Iranian authorities are now willing to hang her instead of the first sentence.

My personal opinion is that all of these are nonsense and the UK should take a more serious view of the facts and try to stop the Iranian government from killing this woman instead of finding alternative solutions for the way this woman should die. The woman has a right to live and only God can take that right from her. In the USA the psycho killer Charles Manson has the right to live and this woman has not. Is this woman more dangerous to society than Charles Manson?

However, in Iran executions are part of their legal system and are performed in cases of murder, drug trafficking, adultery, armed robbery, apostacy and rape. I think that life-imprisonment is a more decent solution and I think that it is a tougher sentence than death, although it looks softer, because the murderer or rapist will live in a cell for the rest of his life drowning in guilt and then die, while with a death penalty he skips the torture of prison (which is like hell in my opinion).   

Check the links below for more information:


posted by Ioannis Masonos

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